Health and vitality... naturally

Correne Omland ~ Traditional Western Herbalist Student

Stouffville, Ontario ~

Sunday, April 25, 2010

My Detox - Day 9

Day Nine – The Great Cheesecake War

Three more days until my Wild Rose Herbal D-Tox will be complete. Day nine was the hardest day of all for temptations. My husband and I went to my parent’s place to celebrate his and my mother’s birthdays. We brought our own dinner so we wouldn’t be enticed by barbequed burgers (veggie burgers in our case), but the desert proved to be a far more formidable opponent.

Once all the dishes were cleared away my mother plunks down not only one, but four types of cheesecake. Like a beacon in the night that cheesecake was guiding us back to our sugary home! The only saving grace was my brother, who told us that we weren’t really missing much and that it was rather bland. It was a kindness.... even if he was lying. We satisfied our sugar craving with fresh strawberries instead. Needless to say we won the battle against the cheesecake and I couldn’t be prouder.

For today’s recipe I’m going to share one of our favourite ways to make potatoes. This recipe is thanks to my friend Christy who gave it to me years ago.

Roasted Rosemary and Garlic Potatoes
2 lbs of new red potatoes (left whole is small – halved or quartered if large)
8 cloves of garlic – pressed/minced
2 tbsp olive oil
1 tbsp dried rosemary

• Pre-heat the oven to 400°F
• Mix the garlic, olive oil and rosemary in a small bowl
• Place the potatoes in a shallow baking dish in a single layer
• Drizzle the oil, garlic and rosemary mixture on the potatoes & toss
• Roast uncovered for 40-50 minutes – turn half way through cooking

We’ve also done these potatoes in a frying pan as a part of a breakfast – usually with scrambled eggs.

A big thank you to everyone who is following me on my detox and a super huge thanks goes out to brother, who kept us away from cheesecake sin!

Until tomorrow,


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