Health and vitality... naturally

Correne Omland ~ Traditional Western Herbalist Student

Stouffville, Ontario ~

Saturday, April 17, 2010

My Detox - Day 2

Day Two

Hiya folks! Day two of my Wild Rose D-Tox kit is almost complete. I’m happy to report that this day had fewer side effects than the first. I am a little surprised by this – I was expecting today and tomorrow to be the worst of the days... however I shouldn’t speak too soon. Tomorrow might be awful!

Here is day two’s rundown of side effects and reactions:
Hunger – Still hungry, but I’m beginning to adjust to the lower amounts of calories I’m taking in.
Food cravings – Less today than yesterday. I’ve really been craving sugar; especially after dinner (what I wouldn’t give for chocolate!). Luckily I planned ahead and made sure that there was nothing in the house with sugar in it. Probably a smart precaution because I just might have gone for something sweet if it were available.
Headache – Again I’ve had a mild headache for most of the day. As evening approached the pain lessened.
Muscle pain/tension – Neck and shoulder pain/tension was worse this morning, but as the day passed it got better.
Energy level – Still down. I started the day with a hike, which may have proved to be a bit too ambitious for me. I’m used to working out three or four days a week, but with such low energy levels I might have to take it easy.
Emotional side effects – I was okay today; no temper tantrums or hissy fits.
Other detoxing side effects – I’m definitely noticing an increased need to urinate – most likely my body releasing water soluble toxins which is fine by me. The kit warned that the herbs may prove to be too laxative; however I’m noticing the opposite. Hope that changes!

I am hoping that the reduction of my side effects is a sign of good things to come. I think the hardest thing to deal with is my waning energy levels. I was fully prepared to handle insane food cravings, but being this tired all the time is taking its toll. I’m finding it more difficult to focus and concentrate – which isn’t a good thing because I have a final exam on Wednesday. That being said, I’m off to study the respiratory system.

Until tomorrow,

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