Health and vitality... naturally

Correne Omland ~ Traditional Western Herbalist Student

Stouffville, Ontario ~

Thursday, April 22, 2010

My Detox - Day 6

Day Six

Hi all! I'd like to wish you all a most wonderful Earth Day!

I would have got to post this last night but unfortunately I sliced my thumb while making dinner last night. It made typing difficult... well frankly it’s still difficult this morning, but much more manageable now that the bleeding has finally stopped!

So my detox is officially half over – well at least the Wild Rose portion of it. It seems that the emotional side effects have completely taken over the physical ones. I’m not too sure which camp I liked better. Every time I have an emotional crisis (which is far too often for my liking), I have to take a step back and realise that it is most likely cleanse related. With Day five it had all to do with depression and sadness, but Day six’s theme was frustration and anger (which is directly related to liver cleansing). Luckily I was able to recognize and control my feelings (mostly) before I bite someone’s head off!

Hunger – My appetite has completely adjusted to the new amounts of food I’m taking in. Less than six days of minor discomfort is not bad at all. I’ll have to remember this when people tell me they can’t lose weight because they don’t like going hungry. It doesn’t take long for the good ole body to adjust folks!
Food cravings – Still having sugar cravings, but again I think that might be emotional cravings more than physical.
Headache – Woke up with a headache, but that may have been due to the stress of my final exam and the fact that I dreamt about herbs all night!
Muscle pain/tension – Things seem back to normal!
Energy level – I was a little tired by the end of the day – but I’m attributing that more to stress than anything else.
Emotional side effects – See above.
Other detoxing side effects – No more breakouts on my face, but my eczema is crazy itchy!

Thanks again for reading my detoxing adventures. In my next post I will address the most common question I get when I do a cleanse like this: “What do you eat??”

Happy Earth Day!


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