Health and vitality... naturally

Correne Omland ~ Traditional Western Herbalist Student

Stouffville, Ontario ~

Monday, April 19, 2010

My Detox - Day 4

Day Four

What do you do when life gives you lemon juice, avocados, tomatoes and onions? You make guacamole!

I’ve been experimenting with very simple recipes during this cleanse. Meals with lots of ingredients are more complex for the body to breakdown and digest. Right now all the systems of my body are working overtime to try and eliminate stored toxins. If I give my body a complex meal to digest, it’s only going to take energy away from detoxification actions.

All in all, today has been a good day. I actually got to work out! I jumped on the stationary bike for 35 minutes (I might have actually been able to do longer, but my assets were KILLING me) and I felt fantastic afterwards. I didn’t need a nap at all today, which is also great news. I was very productive – laundry, cooking, cleaning etc. – but I still found it hard to concentrate on school work and studying.

Some new symptoms revealed themselves today and some old ones seem to be gone for good:

Hunger – I find myself hungry more often throughout the day, but it’s taking much smaller amounts of food to satisfy me.
Food cravings – I thought about having something sweet once today and again if was after dinner. I am a desert person through and through.
Headache – Zip, zilch, nada!
Muscle pain/tension – Minor neck and shoulder pain – nothing to write home about.
Energy level – Almost back to normal. I was able to keep busy, workout and study (sort of) all without the need of a nap.
Emotional side effects – Felt fantastic today!
Other detoxing side effects – The skin side effects have finally reared their ugly heads. My eczema (on a few of my fingers) has flared up and I’ve broken out slightly on my face. I’m fairly acne prone anyway, so I’m not surprised by this. I knew it was coming! Urination and laxative side effects remain the same.

A big thank you to all of you who are supporting me during this cleanse! It is hugely appreciated.

In good health,


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