Health and vitality... naturally

Correne Omland ~ Traditional Western Herbalist Student

Stouffville, Ontario ~

Monday, April 19, 2010

My Detox - Day 3

Day Three

Hi all! Day 3 of my cleanse came to a close yesterday and so far I’m feeling pretty good. I will admit I did a lot of the leg work for this cleanse before it started and in hindsight I’m glad I did. I cut out most sources of sugar and all caffeine from my diet a week before I started the kit. This has helped immensely with any food cravings I might have had. For anyone doing a detox or cleanse I definitely suggest this prep work – it’s made a big difference!

On my food list from Wild Rose, I am allowed to have a small amount of white rice. So as a treat, my husband and I went out for sushi with some friends. We did everything right – avoided the tempuras (which was easier to do than I thought it would be) and had salad for an appetizer. We split two maki rolls (avocado, cucumber and red peppers), and a tofu dish. All in all it was a good experience and we left the restaurant feeling satisfied!

Day 3 in a nutshell:
Hunger – I often amazed by the human body. I’ve quickly adjusted to eating smaller portions and I’m not feeling nearly as hungry as I did for the first two days.
Food cravings – Still craving sugar a little and I also craved sushi... so I had it :)
Headache – Had a slight headache after dinner but I drank a big glass of lemon water it went away.
Muscle pain/tension – Some minor pain in my lower legs.
Energy level – My energy level is still not quite where I’d like it. Had to take yet another short nap (20 minutes), but I also got a lot of sun so that may have affected my napping needs.
Emotional side effects – No problems in this neighbourhood.
Other detoxing side effects – Still urinating a lot. Remember how I said I’d was hoping for a change in the non-laxative effect of the pills... well I take that back! If today is like yesterday I may have to reduce my intake of the colon/laxative herbs. My focus and concentration were much better today – I actually got a decent amount of studying done yesterday.

Thanks for reading and I’ll do my best to post today’s results in a timely manner!


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