Health and vitality... naturally

Correne Omland ~ Traditional Western Herbalist Student

Stouffville, Ontario ~

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

My Detox - Day 5

Day Five

It’s so strange how life can suddenly flip flop. Yesterday was such a good day. I felt fantastic, had lots of energy... well today is an entirely different story. Thus far I haven’t really been affected emotionally on this cleanse (except for the sewing incident of course). I found it a little surprising since I’m such an emotional person normally. Today that all changed.

I woke up this morning feeling rather melancholy and depressed. I had a strange tightness in my chest that I couldn’t really explain. Every time I took a deep breath I would feel a tension/pulling feeling in and around my heart. For most of the day I sort of just wandered around the house. I had things to do but I just couldn’t get myself to do them... I was in quite the funk. This was problematic of course since I have a final exam tomorrow. I forced myself to study, but I would just end up reading the same sentence over and over again. Although I really do hope for brighter horizons tomorrow, in a way I’m glad I experienced this. Obviously I’ve got emotional baggage that needed to be tossed! Then again... don’t we all?

Hunger – My hunger level was down significantly. I didn’t really feel like eating and when I did I didn’t have much of an appetite.

Food cravings – The sugar monster is back in full force. Perhaps it had to do with my mood – I often crave sweets when I’m feeling sad or depressed.

Headache – None to speak of.

Muscle pain/tension – My entire body (especially my legs) felt tighter and more tense than usual.

Energy level – Although I wasn’t tired exactly, I had no motivation to much of anything today.

Emotional side effects – See above.

Other detoxing side effects – No more breakouts on my face, but my eczema is crazy itchy!

Sorry for the downer post. Tomorrow is a brand new day and once 11:30 a.m. rolls around my exam will be done and in the past! That’s something to look forward to.

Until tomorrow,


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