Health and vitality... naturally

Correne Omland ~ Traditional Western Herbalist Student

Stouffville, Ontario ~

Friday, April 23, 2010

My Detox - Day 7

Day Seven

Hi everyone! Instead of doing the same old entry about my side effects and symptoms (which have mostly remained the same at this point), I’m going to do the next few posts on some of the foods I’ve been eating.

In Day One’s post I mentioned that I’m on a fairly strict alkaline diet. That means no flour or bread products, no dairy, no gluten, no caffeine, no sugar (of any kind) and no processed foods. For many people in North America that list of no-no’s would eliminate half, if not all of their diet. So you must be wondering – “What do you eat then?!?”

When I first starting cleansing years ago the diet that accompanied most cleanse kits was a huge challenge for me. I found myself eating nothing but salad and feeling unsatisfied. I often got sick with a cold or flu while I was detoxing and I was constantly hungry. As years went on I invested more time in learning about different foods and how to cook them. I also got my hands a couple of vegan cook books that were huge lifesavers.
How It All VeganSarah Kramer & Tanya Barnard
Garden of VeganSarah Kramer & Tanya Barnard

So I guess what I’m saying is that I know it’s hard. When you first look at an alkaline food list you see more of what you can’t eat than what you can. If you stick with it and if you really care about detoxing and cleansing, you WILL get through it. To give you a bit of help I will post a few of the recipes I’ve made over the last few days.

My staple in any cleanse is my morning smoothie. It gives me tons of energy, it tastes great and it provides me with some essential nutritional requirements.

1 ½ cups of frozen berries (blueberries, strawberries, raspberries)
1 tbsp flax oil
1 tbsp greens powder
1 tbsp ground cinnamon
Unsweetened milk alternative (soy, almond, rice etc.) – add to until desired consistency is achieved
* I use Almond Breeze’s Unsweetened Vanilla (yummy)

Stick it all in a blender, whirl it up and viola, you’ve got breakfast!

For this cleanse I decided to go with Trophic’s Pure Essential Green Concentrate for my greens. I went with this one because it was in my budget and it was one of the few greens powders that didn’t have herbs in it.

The flax oil provides a healthy amount of good fat and the cinnamon not only tastes great, but it helps to keep my blood sugar stable until the next meal.

So there you have it folks! Day seven has come and gone and I feel fantastic! Thanks for reading and get out and enjoy the sunshine.

Until tomorrow,

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