Health and vitality... naturally

Correne Omland ~ Traditional Western Herbalist Student

Stouffville, Ontario ~

Friday, May 28, 2010


Today was an excellent harvesting day! Although the idea of wild-harvesting may seem like a romantic one, the truth is not quite so rose-coloured. Between the vigorous hiking, the mosquitos (yes they are out already in full force), the blistering heat and getting lost (which is not uncommon for me) - harvesting is darn hard work! I will admit though, as hard as it is, I love every minute of it. There is nothing more satisfying than making your own herbal medicines by hand from herbs harvested in their natural habitat.

Today we decided to scope out a new harvesting location. Part of starting a new herbal practice is scouting out viable harvesting locations. Whenever I arrive at a new spot, I have no idea what I'll find. Perhaps I'll find a great source for multiple herbs or perhaps there won't be a large enough population to sustain harvesting. It can be frustrating - spending hours in a location only to find that it isn't as great a source as you had hoped. Today however, luck was on our side.

This new location will be an excellent source for herbs such as Horsetail, Sulfur cinquefoil, Hawthorn, St. John's wort, Plantain, Queen Ann's lace, Goldenrod and tons more!

Here are some photos of today's finds:

Ox-eye daisy - Leucanthemum vulgare
  • Harvested enough for 500 ml

Red clover - Trifolium pratense

  • Harvested enough for 120 ml

Herb Robert - Geranium robertianum

  • I was so excited when I found a HUGE patch of herb Robert. Last year I wasn't able to harvest any and this year I managed to at least get enough for 120 ml. Woo hoo!

Fleabane - Erigeron spp.
  • Harvested enough for 250 ml of infused olive oil

Have a fantastic weekend!



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